GrassNet Objectives

GrassNet Objectives

The main objective of GrassNet is to establish a transdisciplinary scientific and educational network to catalyze cross-system research on land use of vulnerable grasslands. In this context, system-wide (cross-continental) application of methods, assessment of successes
and failures as well as extrapolation of approaches across regional system boundaries into future action will be embedded in both higher education (MSc and PhD programs) and research activities (research agendas of international partners at the post-doc level).

Considering that a sound and complex analysis of land use management under changing
environmental conditions requires the use of many and divers scientific tools which are not readily available at all places, GrassNet further aims at:

  • Developing and exchanging quantitative and qualitative methods to record and monitor system processes such as water use and matter fluxes,
  • modeling, up-scaling, and extrapolating processes from local to regional and global scale,
  • using participatory research approaches in combination with GIS and other communication tools allowing knowledge analysis to assess action possibilities and constraints of the land-users,
  • devoting activities to create synergetic effects among the participating groups, and
  • establishing a forum to exchange local experience and scientific methods to approach the new challenges of grassland research.

GrassNet will be a valuable and essential platform to create educational competence, which will be used and sustained by applying for further funds and intensifying cooperation with existing networks, such as Desert*Net, and thus continue essential research on land-use management and conflicts, food security, and biodiversity affected by climate change.